On May 22nd, 2023, Singapore
Imagine a unique learning experience where the classroom floats on the serene waters of Singapore, aboard a luxurious yacht. This captivating adventure was organized for 20 students from Dunearn Secondary School, at Raffles Marina providing them with an educational outreach program like no other. Most of these students embarked on a boat for the very first time, making the outreach session a new experience of insightful lessons, and hands-on activities.
“Corals - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Singapore”, the topic of the day's lesson, revolved around the fascinating world of corals. Facilitated by experts from the Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI), students gained knowledge about the positive role played by corals as vital habitats for marine life, while also becoming aware of the threats posed by human activities and the ongoing conservation measures.
To enrich the students' comprehension, an interactive hands-on activity involving microscopy and coral identification was organized. Equipped with microscopes, the students had the opportunity to examine plankton samples collected from the nearby waters. They learnt to distinguish coral species, grasp their unique characteristics, and understand the process of underwater coral fragment transplantation as a part of the restoration initiatives.
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Raffles Marina, the students enjoyed a spread of afternoon tea snacks before embarking on a tour of the MY Star of The Sea, which served as their floating classroom. Each student received a souvenir as a keepsake from this new experience.
A special moment was shared earlier with Mr. Siaw Chee Huat, the General Manager of Raffles Marina, and SeaKeepers Asia, as burgees were exchanged, symbolizing appreciation and support for the mission of education and stewardship.
In conclusion, the students expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the organizers, sponsors, and facilitators through thoughtful thank-you notes. A school practice, this gesture allowed their appreciation to be shown and served as a testament to the success of the floating classroom adventure.
Expedition Gallery: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lchxqlbp12y8b4e/AACRdMEexQ-z8_tFKjGcAFjNa?dl=0
Partner sites:
Dunearn Secondary School: https://www.dunearnsec.moe.edu.sg/
Raffles Marina: https://www.rafflesmarina.com.sg/
Tropical Marine Science Institute : Home Page - TMSI (nus.edu.sg)
For more information contact:
Gail Tay, Director of Operations & Programmes
International SeaKeepers Society, Asia
[email protected]