Quick Tips for Buying Carbon Offset Credits

September 30th, 2021

Offset providers act as aggregators and retailers between project developers and buyers. They provide a convenient way for consumers and businesses to access offset credits from a portfolio of projects.

It is often a good idea to work with someone who has a detailed understanding of the sectors or project types being considered, which in some cases could involve enlisting multiple experts.

What is Carbon Offsetting and What Are Carbon Credits?

September 30th, 2021

Carbon offsetting is the act of reducing carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases to compensate for emissions that were produced elsewhere. Offsetting can be achieved by purchasing “carbon credits,” which fund certified climate action projects that reduce, remove, or avoid greenhouse gas emissions.

How Do I Calculate My Carbon Footprint?

September 30th, 2021

Online carbon footprint calculators allow you to determine your carbon footprint based on many aspects of your lifestyle, including your home, your vehicle, your travel and even your diet. These calculators use known average emissions for each factor to determine how much carbon you are likely emitting during the course of a year.

What is a Carbon Footprint?

September 30th, 2021

Every day, our activities directly and indirectly result in the emission of greenhouse gases. Your “carbon footprint” refers to the amount of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, that are likely produced from your lifestyle and activities. Greenhouse gases can be emitted through land clearance and the production and consumption of food, fuels, manufactured goods, materials, wood, roads, buildings, transportation, and other services.

How Do Carbon Emissions Influence Climate Change?

September 30th, 2021

Climate Change is primarily driven by human activities, particularly fossil fuel burning which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in the Earth’s atmosphere, acting as a blanket wrapped around the Earth. Since the industrial revolution, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen dramatically as humans burn fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide gas.

What is Climate Change?

September 30th, 2021

By simple definition, Climate Change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns of the Earth’s local, regional, and global climates. Climate Change, which includes global warming, refers to the Earth’s rising surface temperature and the effects of warming that are happening to our planet.