Sea Turtle Conservation Project


Kapas Island, Malaysia

The International SeaKeepers Society Asia has formed a partnership with Kapas Turtles and the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) with the aim to gather data for UMT Sea Turtle Research Unit’s (SEATRU) turtle database. This database was created at UMT to hold, assimilate, and share information on all sea turtles in the area as well as prevent repetitive research among scientists. The University hopes to gather data from all of the other Terengganu turtle sanctuaries. Their goal is to give the Department of Fishery (DOF) Malaysia direct access to data from both scientists and conservation efforts so the Department can monitor turtle populations in the entire Terengganu area. Eventually, the plan is to tag each turtle so a treasure trove of information can be kept on each individual animal for turtle sustainability.

A Scientific Advisory Team has been formed by Research and Education on the Environment for Future Sustainability (REEFS) Research Interest Group, Faculty Science and Marine Environment (FSSM). The Scientific Advisory Team is led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Poh Seng Chee with REEFS researchers Assoc. Prof. Dr. James Tan Chun Hong, Dr. Siti NurTahirah Jaafar, Dr. Muhammad Hafiz Borkhanuddin, and Dr. Mohd Uzair Rusli from Sea Turtle Research Unit (SEATRU).

Expedition profile

Press statement by SKA and KT FINAL 27 Jan 2022

Partner Sites
Kapas Turtle
University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)

Expedition Gallery

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