Spring 2023 Junior SeaKeepers Program Webinar 2

March 7, 2023


On Tuesday, March 7th, 2023, The International SeaKeepers Society hosted the second Junior SeaKeepers Program webinar for Spring semester students. As we get further into our Spring Program, we were thrilled to have Emily Spurgeon, a Master’s Candidate from California State University, Long Beach, speak as a part of our scientist-led virtual lecture series.

Emily works in Dr. Chris Lowe’s Shark Lab studying the behavior and dynamics of juvenile and subadult white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) off of Southern and Central California. Emily attained a Bachelor’s Degree from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and her Master’s research at CSULB uses several data collection techniques, including satellite tags, BRUV footage, and muscle biopsies to better understand white shark habitat use and behavioral trends. Data from Emily’s research, like that she has conducted with SeaKeepers, will be used to inform decisions on the management of white sharks, as well as to improve public health and safety regulations. Our students loved hearing about Emily’s personal background and research experience with the awe-inspiring white shark.

Outing Goal

By attending webinars led by past SeaKeepers research scientists, our Junior SeaKeepers have the opportunity to learn first-hand about the diversity of work that exists in the marine conservation realm. Additionally, students get direct access to accomplished professionals and are able to see the advancements in the field that are resultant of research happening directly alongside SeaKeepers through our DISCOVERY Yacht program. Emily’s talk was a great opportunity for students to hear about research conducted on a “charismatic” marine species in quite a competitive field as they get closer to their post-secondary education journey.

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