University of Miami Oceans Debates

Miami, Florida
March 24, 2024


On Sunday, March 24th, 2024, SeaKeepers Education Manager, Toni Lohroff, participated as an expert stakeholder judge for the 2024 Miami Oceans Debates, an intercollegiate tournament focused on connecting college debate students with the skills to discuss real-world topics with policymakers, scientists, and beyond. This year, the proposition was "An international ban on ocean iron fertilization ought to be implemented." Accompanied by other local stakeholder experts from the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, Miami Waterkeeper, the City of Miami's Resilience Department, and more, judges were able to oversee the semi-final and final rounds of the tournament and hear excellent points from both sides on the topic.

Outing Goal

SeaKeepers was thrilled to be able to take part in a local event aimed at increasing the environmental and political literacy of South Florida students. Given that they live and learn in an area that is so reliant on marine and coastal ecosystems, we hope that they can take these discussion skills and use them to advocate for marine ecosystems throughout their lives.

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