Hydrophone Retrieval
Hydrophone Retrieval aboard D/Y Shredder
August 9, 2018
On August 9th, 2018, The International SeaKeepers Society and University of Miami’s Shark Research & Conservation team traveled to Tiger Beach, West End, Grand Bahama aboard the DISCOVERY Yacht Shredder to retrieve hydrophone receivers, which were placed at different coordinates along Tiger Beach exactly one year prior. Click on the links below to learn more about this expedition.
Partner Sites
Shark Research & Conservation Program at the University of Miami
Fleet Miami
Scientific Publication
Gutowsky, L.F.G., Rider, M.J., Roemer, R.P., Gallagher, A.J., Heithaus, M.R., Cooke, J., Hammerschlag, N., 2021. Large sharks exhibit varying behavioral responses to major hurricanes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (256) 107373.
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