Beach Cleanup and Tap Takeover with SeaKeepers, Miami Waterkeeper and Tripping Animals Brewing

Miami, Florida
March 29, 2024


On Friday, March 29, 2024, The International SeaKeepers Society collaborated with Miami Waterkeeper, Tripping Animals Brewing and Waterlust for our second-ever Beach Cleanup and Tap Takeover at The Wetlab. The Wetlab is a bar located at The University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School on Virginia Key. The Wetlab overlooks the beach, and is frequented by University of Miami students and faculty, as well as many locals. SeaKeepers and Miami Waterkeeper recruited about 30 people to help in our coastal cleanup efforts, setting out on the beach with bags, buckets, gloves and pickers. Our volunteers worked hard, removing trash from a long stretch of the Virginia Key beach, including tons of glass, plastic and aluminum food and beverage containers, fish hooks, a tire, and a car battery. After nearly 2 hours of scouring the coast line, our volunteers had removed over 205 lbs of trash, preventing it from contaminating the water by disposing of it properly. Our volunteers were invited to celebrate their hard work with local beers from Tripping Animals Brewing, with $1 of each beer purchased being donated to SeaKeepers and Miami Waterkeeper. We are so grateful to all of the volunteers that helped to collect so much trash, and to Tripping Animals and The Wetlab for making this event so fun!

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