Research Project Application "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 2 50% Research Project Name*Principal Investigator* First Name Last Name Email* Phone*Institution or NGO*Are you submitting this proposal for a: Scientist-Led Expedition Citizen Science Have you obtained any necessary permits to conduct this research or for Citizen Scientists to collect samples for you? Yes No In progress If you selected 'no' on the previous question, please elaborate:Upload relevant photo(s) that support the research area you're submitting. If no photo is provided, SeaKeepers will select an appropriate image to promote the research opportunity.Max. file size: 23 MB.Project Description*Research Background*Project Mission & Objectives*Please link your relevant published studies: Add RemoveApplication and/or Impact of Findings: (if applicable)Is this going to be used in legislative action? If so, how and when?*Is this going to be shared with any student bodies? If so, who and how will it be shared?*How many days are you in need of a vessel?* Expected Time Frame for Project/Expedition*Location of Project/Expedition*Duration of Project/Expedition*(how many days are you in need of a vessel?)Keeping your project deadline and a buffer for planning logistics in mind, what is the latest date by which you would need vessel confirmation?*Amount of personnel for accommodation purposes*Any needs the scientist/research team would have Licensed Captain Swim platform (hydraulic or stationary) or easy access to water Access to tender or smaller vessel Compressor (for scuba diving) Lazarette or storage compartment for certain equipment Crane to lower heavy equipment into water Amount of deck space for daily work operations?Please share any publications or articles about the work you are doing, if applicable:Max. file size: 23 MB.Program Partners Involved (include website hyperlinks)*Does your organization have funding to contribute to expedition expenses (i.e. fuel, provisions)?* Yes No If yes, what is your budget towards this trip?How did you learn about SeaKeepers?* Word-of-Mouth Social Media Publication Advertisement Mail Event Email Other Social MediaInstagramFacebookLinkedinYoutubeGoogleE-MarketingOtherBy checking the boxes, you consent to having this project proposal featured on SeaKeepers: SeaKeepers' Website: Program Opportunities webpage (optional) Social media platforms and forums (optional) When marketing this opportunity, do you wish to remain anonymous? Yes No PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ