2024-25 Junior SeaKeepers Program Orientation
Miami, Florida
October 14, 2024
On Monday, October 14, 2024, The International SeaKeepers Society hosted our orientation and kick-off webinar for the 2024-25 Junior SeaKeepers Program! We welcomed 27 high school students from schools all over Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, along with their family members, to Miami Yacht Club to join us for our opening webinar with Miami Waterkeeper and program orientation for our next cohort of participants. To start the evening, students checked in and met the SeaKeepers Educational Outreach and Community Engagement Team which will serve as leaders and mentors for the program. Participants then joined Education Manager, Toni Lohroff, for an opening presentation detailing program requirements, expectations, and other details for promoting a successful extracurricular experience as a Junior SeaKeeper. After concluding the orientation portion of our evening, Miami Waterkeeper’s Educational Outreach Team, led by Addy Nagle, Science Engagement Coordinator, presented our first “webinar” of this year’s program, which trained participants in the Waterkeeper “1000 eyes on the water” program for observing and reporting pollution events. We were so thrilled to have MWK deliver this first webinar, as it truly sets the stage for the program in teaching participants the importance of keeping our Bay and other waterways clean, as well as encouraging them to be a part of the solution to pollution in South Florida and beyond. Throughout the academic year, we will build off of this webinar knowledge through coastal cleanups, floating classrooms, workshops, and our final research projects, which will aim to engage students in understanding and proposing solutions to local and global marine conservation problems.
We are so thrilled to welcome this year's cohort of Junior SeaKeepers and cannot wait to see how they grow as ocean conservation advocates and young scientists as a part of our year-long program. Welcome 2024-25 Junior SeaKeepers!
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