‘Tis the Season to be Sustainable: Your Guide to Celebrating Consciously

Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, many people will flock to stores to purchase decorations for their homes and yards. Food and drinks will be bought by the plenty to keep refrigerators full for visiting friends and family. Gifts will be purchased on a whim, hoping the recipient will make use of them.

Florida’s Coral Reef in a Changing Environment

Right off the shores of Florida’s East Coast is the only coral reef system in the continental United States of America. Stretching almost 350 miles, the Florida Coral Reef reaches as far north as the St. Lucie inlet down to the Dry Tortugas, past the Florida Keys.

Fertilizer to Fish Kills: How Nutrient Pollution Affects Water Quality

Earlier this summer, reports came flooding in of dead fish floating on the surface of Biscayne Bay and washing up on its shores. Concerned citizens reported these sightings to their local government and environmental organizations, who confirmed their fears: what they were seeing was the beginning of Miami’s fourth major fish kill.

Battling Sea Level Rise: Can Seawalls Save Miami’s Coastlines?

Greenwashing is the deceptive practice of presenting an exaggerated or false image of environmental responsibility or sustainability efforts, often to mislead consumers or the public. The climate crisis of the 21st century has led to increased pressure for companies to be held accountable for their contributions to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, waste production, and destruction of natural resources.

Greenwash or Green Truth: Unveiling the Real Environmental Impact

Greenwashing is the deceptive practice of presenting an exaggerated or false image of environmental responsibility or sustainability efforts, often to mislead consumers or the public. The climate crisis of the 21st century has led to increased pressure for companies to be held accountable for their contributions to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, waste production, and destruction of natural resources.

Ghost Fishing: A Scary Situation

During a SeaKeepers coastal cleanup this month, a few volunteers came walking over carrying a large square object that seemed to be made of netting or wire. They had pulled it out of the shallow water at Morningside Park, a large park in Miami that borders Biscayne Bay where SeaKeepers holds cleanups once a month.

From Rain to Marine Debris Disaster

South Florida is notorious for its long rainy season and the street flooding that accompanies it, whether it's a short rainstorm or a hurricane passing by. This flooding destroys cars and homes, and can make it very difficult for some people to navigate their neighborhoods.

Is Your SPF Doing More Harm Than Good?

When we talk about ocean pollution, plastic usually takes the spotlight, and reasonably so. It has been reported that plastic was found in the deepest part of our ocean- the Mariana Trench- and is present on shores and beaches around the world. Plastic pollution is a huge threat to our ecosystems, as it can entangle marine organisms or be ingested by them, possibly leading to starvation and death.

Do You Know How to Recycle?

Today, the mantra, “reduce, reuse, recycle,” is recognized by most people and even is part of the curriculum taught in schools to children as young as 9 and 10. In the face of an intensifying environmental crisis and increasing anxiety surrounding climate change’s acceleration, we view this being commonplace in education as a good thing.