Educational Request Form

Please keep in mind that our educational programs are completely free for all participants, except for discounted dive or snorkel gear rentals for applicable cleanups or floating classrooms. We do, however, gladly accept any size of monetary donation to help fund our educational activities. Our in-person programming opportunities (classroom visits, educational cleanups, floating classrooms) are currently only offered in South Florida. This includes Miami-Dade and Broward counties as well as the Upper Florida Keys. If you have any questions about our educational programming or your programming request, please reach out to [email protected].

If you are interested in scheduling an activity with us, we recommend completing a request at least 6-8 weeks in advance of your chosen date(s) for the best chance of securing your trip. We are currently accepting floating classroom requests for 2025 on a limited basis due to vessel access. For any questions, please reach out directly to [email protected].