Explorer, navigator, cultural revivalist, educator, and storyteller: Nainoa Thompson has led the rediscovery and revival of the ancient Polynesian art of navigation. Through his voyaging, teaching, and engagement, he has opened a global, multi-generational dialogue on the importance of sustaining ocean resources and maritime heritage. To learn more, click here.
Lehua Kamalu is a captain, navigator, and the Voyaging Director at the Polynesian Voyaging Society, a non-profit and educational organization supporting the ongoing voyages of the double-hulled canoes Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia, and dedicated to perpetuating the practice of traditional Polynesian voyaging and non-instrument navigation, where wayfinders find their way across hundreds of miles of open ocean with thousands of minute observations of stars, moon, waves, clouds, and sea birds, not with compasses or GPS or any other instruments. As Lehua/Kamalu says, “The navigator is the instrument.”
Aqua Blu • Best Shot • Calliope II • Consort • Diversion • Dulcibella • E Cruz • Gracie
Hanging By A String • Jillian Glenn • Magic Moment • Oil Spill Response USA Inc.
Oro • Peeling 20's • River Queen • Santosha • Sauerkraut • Statsraad Lehmkuhl
Surface Interval • Swift of Southampton
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