Monthly Beach Cleanup


Key Biscayne, Florida
December 2020

On December 6th, 2020, SeaKeepers hosted its monthly beach clean up on Virginia Key Beach. We had an incredible turn out of 51 amazing volunteers and collectively, we removed 129 lbs of trash from the area. All trash removed was recorded through the "Clean Swell" application as part of Ocean Conservancy's ongoing efforts to document and remove as much ocean litter as possible. In addition, we supported #Just1Bag2020 and brought their total number of bags collected over 21,000! With this cleanup, SeaKeepers has removed 2152 lbs of trash from this beach since July 2019 and surpassed a record of 3,082 pounds collected from all Miami beaches! We are grateful for our awesome volunteers and their dedication to our oceans.

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Volunteer Cleanup

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