SeaKeepers Welcome Mike Golding OBE and DISCOVERY Yacht Traverse into Cape Town South Africa

Royal Cape Yacht Club, Cape Town, South Africa
December 18, 2024


The International SeaKeepers Society welcomed Mike Golding and DY Traverse into Cape Town after 8 months at sea supporting SeaKeepers mission. It was an occasion to celebrate his achievement as a SeaKeepers ambassador, and to update the community on the research projects he and the crew had supported throughout the voyage. To date, the vessel has been actively engaged with the UK, South Pacific and Asia Chapters and after a well-deserved break in South Africa for Christmas and the New Year, they will continue their expedition around the world until later Summer 2025. The Royal Cape Yacht Club hosted a capacity event for Oyster World Rally and ARC competitors along with club members and SeaKeepers based in the region. The Vice Commodore Dave Garrard warmly welcomed all, Chairman Jay Wade presented SeaKeepers mission, and the DISCOVERY Yacht programme and Mike Golding OBE gave an exhilarating talk to guests accompanied by a film about this voyage illustrating the research conducted and the places visited. Canapes and champagne were served and sponsor Ettienne Bezuidenhou of AlexForbes closed out the evening with congratulations and thanks to all. The event was SeaKeepers first presence in South Africa and it was an opportunity to announce the Royal Cape Yacht Club’s future support of our mission of ocean research conservation & education through SeaKeepers DISCOVERY Yacht projects in 2025.

The International SeaKeepers Society visited Cape Town to expand our mission to South Africa, to build relationships with the sailing community and to welcome SeaKeepers DISCOVERY Yacht Traverse as part of their SeaKeepers expedition.

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