Spooky Halloween Cleanup with Miami Waterkeeper

Miami, Florida
October 26, 2024


On Saturday, October 26th, 2024, The International SeaKeepers Society participated in a Halloween-themed cleanup event along with Miami Waterkeeper (MWK), FRUGA, the Education Team of Historic Virginia Key Beach Park, and Geared for Green at Historic Virginia Key Beach Park in Miami. To start the day, we met with our partner organizations and set up a large pavilion with various tents full of activities, promotional materials, materials for cleanups, and even some Halloween-themed festivities such as pumpkin carving stations. Once our amazing group of 77 volunteers arrived and we all took some group pictures to show off our Halloween costumes, our teams introduced themselves and handed out materials while our volunteers set out around the park and surrounding beach. Throughout the morning, our SeaKeepers Education & Outreach team joined in cleanup efforts to include sorting our reusable plastics with Geared for Green, weighing trash bags, and sharing our mission and timeline of future volunteer events with our awesome volunteers and partner organizations. To conclude the day, our volunteers and team participated in a costume contest to win some SeaKeepers and MWK swag as well as participated in a free FRUGA sampling while we finished sorting and weighing the collected trash. We were able to remove 120 pounds of trash from the coastal park thanks to our great volunteers, and we give a huge thanks to Miami Waterkeeper for partnering us, Geared for Green and FRUGA for sponsoring and participating in the event and for making the day one to remember. We look forward to working with our partnering organizations again soon, and hope to see some of these volunteers at future events.

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