Tracking Water Contamination
DISCOVERY Yacht Shredder
August 9, 2017
On August 9th, 2017, The International SeaKeepers Society supported Miami Waterkeeper in its efforts to study a recently found leaking sewage pipe near Virginia Key. Participants released drifters near the site of the leak from D/Y Shredder of Fleet Miami to track potential distribution of the released waste. Miami Waterkeeper representatives released three drifters from the Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment (CARTHE) of the University of Miami. The deployed drifters are being tracked and will provide data about the potential route and extent of distribution of the material leaked from the pipe. Local media was onboard as well to document the current story. The county has repaired the leak and Miami Waterkeeper is working to ensure that the whole pipe system is functioning. A special thanks to Crandon Park Marina for serving as meeting place for the vessel.
The expedition was also covered by the Miami Herald.
Partner Sites:
Miami Waterkeeper
Fleet Miami
Crandon Park Marina
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